
Good Practices Continuation

The following guidelines are provided for good practices in Record Keeping and Data

Management for the University of Ghana:

Data Ownership This refers to who has the legal rights to the data and who retains the data after

the project is completed, including the Researcher’s right to transfer data between institutions

and individuals.

Data Collection and Analysis This pertains to collecting project data in a consistent, systematic

manner (i.e., reliability) and establishing an on-going system for evaluating and recording

changes to the project protocol (i.e., validity). It also pertains to how raw data are chosen,

evaluated, and interpreted into meaningful and significant conclusions that other researchers and

the public can understand and use.

Data Storage and Protection This concerns the amount of data and how it should be stored. The

amount of data stored should be enough so that project results can be reconstructed. Written and

electronic data should also be protected from physical damage and data integrity, including

damage from tampering or theft and natural causes. The electronic media data should be updated

periodically in line with technological advancements to avoid obsolescence.

Data Retention This refers to the length of time one needs to keep the project data according to

the University’s guidelines. It also includes safeguarded destruction of data where absolutely

necessary with permission from the University.

Data Sharing This refers to how project data and research results are disseminated to other

researchers and the general public, and when data should not be shared.

Data Reporting This pertains to the publication of the result of the research findings, during the

course or after the project is completed.


Ownership of research is a complex issue that involves the Principal Investigator (PI) of the

research, the sponsoring institution, the funding agency, and any participating human

subjects. In many cases, the institution/organization owns the project data, but the PI and the

funding agency have "rights" to access and use the data. Usually the PI has physical custody

PAGE 3 OF 11 UG Research Policy Guidelines: Good Practices: Record keeping and data management

of the data on behalf of the organization. However, these rules vary with institutions and also

depend on the funding source. The following recommendations are provided for the

University of Ghana:

The University:

The University has the right of ownership to any research conducted under its auspices.

Consequently, the University has responsibilities for ensuring that research is reliably and

ethically conducted. For, example the University should have direct interest in budget

management and disbursement procedures, regulatory compliance, contractual obligations

and data management and therefore the rights and obligations to retain control over the data.

Within the University, a Principal Investigator (PI) may be granted stewardship over the

project data and may control the direction, publication, patenting and copyright of any

innovative results from the research, subject to the University’s own institutional review and


Researchers cannot automatically assume that they can take their data with them should they

leave the services of the University and move to another institution. The University may

continue to maintain ownership of project data as long as the PIs are in employment of the


- Transfer of data in the event a researcher leaves the University:

When individuals involved in research projects at the University leave the University, the

University may decide whether they could take away copies of research data for projects on

which they have worked. The PI must, however, retain original data at the University.

If a PI leaves the University, and a project is to be moved to another institution, ownership of

the data may be transferred with the approval of the University with written agreement from

the PI’s new institution that guarantees:

a) Its acceptance of custodial responsibilities for the data and

b) UG’s should continue to retain the ownership of the data and the PI granted access to it

should that become necessary.

The Funding Agency:

Many research projects are funded by Government agencies, Philanthropic organizations and

or Private industries. These agencies often have specific regulations for how data should be

retained and disseminated: for example, whether to publish the project's results or market a

resulting product. The PI and the University should understand the funding agency's

regulations regarding a research project and the data it produces.

- Grants’ research:

These can be described as assistance funding usually awarded to do some projects that enable

the researcher address some specific needs. The PI retains control over the agreed scope of

the research.

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- Contract-research:

These can be described as procurement funding or provision of money in order to acquire a

product, property, or service. Like a contractual agreement between a buyer and a seller,

contracted research is often subject to strict regulations, requirements, and expectations. For

instance, the PI must coordinate project goals and decisions with the funding agency, which

assigns a project officer to oversee the project and to make sure that the agency's goals are

met. Funding may be disbursed in instalments. Also, the data typically belong to the funding

agency, unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement.

The Principal Investigator:

In addition to being the steward of a project's data, a PI may retain some ownership of the



a) Different types of research call for different data collection techniques. There are, however,

four important considerations that will help ensure the overall integrity of both the process

and the information collected.

i. Appropriate methods. Reliable data are vitally dependent on trustworthy methods.

Proposals/projects should pre determine/indicate appropriate methods and

designs/statistical tests available for analyses of data to be collected. Researchers

should ensure they are using the most appropriate and reliable technology possible.

ii. Methods can be compromised by bias—choosing one method or set of

experimental conditions so that a particular conclusion can be drawn. Whatever the

origin, the use of inappropriate methods in research compromises the integrity of

research data and should be avoided. Responsible research is conducted using

appropriate, reliable methods.

iii. Attention to detail. Quality research requires attention to detail. Experiments must

be set up properly and the results accurately recorded, interpreted, and published.

Failure to pay attention to detail can result in mistakes that will later have to be

corrected and reported. Once errors are detected the researcher is obligated to make

corrections. However if the errors are coming from the design then it means the

whole experiment is damaged and one will have to redo the experiment.

iv. Authorized. Researchers have a responsibility to know when permission is needed

to collect or use specific data in their research. If one is not sure whether permission

is needed, it is necessary to check before proceeding with data collection.

The following provide examples of types of data collection which need authorization before


- Human and animal subjects in research;

- Hazardous materials and biological agents;

PAGE 5 OF 11 UG Research Policy Guidelines: Good Practices: Record keeping and data management

- Information contained in some libraries, databases, and archives;

- Information posted on some Web sites;

- Published photographs and other published information; and

- Other copyrighted or patented processes or materials.

b) The final step in data collection is the physical process of recording the data in some type of

notebook (hard copy), computer file (electronic copy), or other permanent “record” of the

work done. The physical formats for recording data vary considerably, from measurements or

observations to photographs or interview tapes. Whatever type of data recorded, it is

important to keep in mind that the purpose of any record is to document what was actually

done and the results that were achieved.

In recording data, the following two simple rules should be borne in mind to avoid problems


i. Hard-copy evidence should be entered into a numbered, bound notebook so that there

is no question later about the date the experiment was run, the order in which the data

were collected, or the results achieved. Loose-leaf notebooks or simply collecting

pages of evidence in a file should be avoided. Records in a bound notebook should

not be changed without noting the date and reasons for the change.

ii. Electronic evidence should be validated to assure that it was actually recorded on a

particular date and not changed at some later date. It is easy to change dates on

computers and thereby alter the date a particular file seems to have been created. If

data is electronically collected, it should be possible to demonstrate that they are valid

and have not been changed. The data to be authenticated can be printed out and

signed by the research team.

iii. Best Practices for Record Keeping: Diligent record keeping is essential to ensuring

the integrity of research data. To help maintain data validity and reliability, the

following best practices are recommended when planning or completing data


Include notes: Records should provide information which could account for what

occurred during the course of research and also make it possible to reconstruct

and justify the findings. It is important therefore that records should include

notes about what methods did or did not work, observations, and commentary on

the project's progress. Notes should be kept according to the research team's

predetermined communications plan.

  • . Personal notebooks: For smaller projects using handwritten data, each team

member should have his or her own personal notebook for recording project

data, observations, etc. Entries should be made in a chronological and consistent

manner -- for instance, each new workday should begin on a new page dated and

blank lines should not be left between entries.


  • Noting errors: A consistent system for noting errors or adjustments should be

used. In written records, entries should be made in indelible ink so that records

cannot be altered or damaged. If any information must be changed or amended,

one solid line should be marked through the entry and initialled and the change

dated. The records can thus reflect what has occurred during the course of a


  •  Recording information: Record anything that seems relevant to the project, its

data, and the standards of the project. At a minimum, records should include the

following information:

  •  Date and time
  •  Names and roles of any team members who worked with the data
  •  Materials, instruments, and software used
  •  Identification number(s) to indicate the subject and/or session
  •  Data from the experiment and any pertinent observations from the data's


*It may also be helpful to include a summary of the day's data collection activities

and a task list for the next day.

  •  Transferring information: When records are to be transferred from written to

electronic format, a double entry system should be used to reduce rates of

incorrectly entered electronic data. For, example this could be done by using

two different Research Assistants to enter all of the raw data into the software

program, then cross-check the data to identify and remedy inconsistencies at

the time of data entry.


Once collected, data must be properly protected, because they may be needed later:

- To confirm research findings,

- To establish priority, or

- To be re-analysed by other researchers.

If the data are not properly protected, the investment, whether public or private, could

become worthless. The responsible handling of data begins with proper storage and

protection from accidental damage, loss, or theft:

- Lab notebooks should be stored in a safe place.

- Computer files should be backed up and the backup data saved in a secure place that is

physically removed from the original data.

- Samples should be appropriately saved so that they will not degrade over time.

- Care should be taken to reduce the risk of fire, flood, and other catastrophic natural


- The primary data should not be destroyed after completion of the research so that it can

be re-analysed and re-interpreted in the future.

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- Deans and Heads of department are also obliged to keep the data on behalf of the


- The data can also be stored with identifiable institutions or responsible individuals

outside the University.

- The faculty research committee should be empowered to supervise and monitor on-going


- Data should be kept as long as possible. After 10 years in the store, it should be moved

into the museum/ archives.

- Department should try to create storage facilities for keeping data.

- Some can be converted into a softcopy and stored electronically.

a) Confidentiality:

Some data are collected with the understanding that only authorized individuals will use

them for specific purposes. In such cases, care should be taken to assure that privacy

agreements are honoured. This is particularly true of data that contain personal

information that can be linked to specific individuals. It is also true of confidential

information about protected processes and materials. If a company shares confidential

data about a process with a researcher prior to seeking a patent on that process, the

researcher must take care to make sure the data are kept confidential.

Data that are subject to privacy restrictions must be stored in a safe place that is

accessible only to authorized personnel. Random codes to identify individual subjects,

rather than names or social security numbers should be used to further protect private

information. Access to these codes can then be restricted to provide a double layer of

protection. Whatever the method used to protect private or confidential information, the

researcher who collects or uses the information has the primary responsibility for its


b) Period of retention:

Data should be retained for a reasonable period of time to allow other researchers to

check results or to use the data for other purposes. There is, however, no common

definition of a reasonable period of time.

Given the different reasons data could be useful over long periods of time, researchers

should give some thought to retaining data longer than some minimum period required by

specific regulations. How long is reasonable will vary from discipline to discipline and

institution to institution. Nevertheless, it is important to have a clear retention policy that

balances the best interests of society with those of the University and the individual

researcher. Before throwing out notebooks, cleaning out files, or erasing computer

memory, careful consideration should be given to who might benefit from or ask to see

the data in the future.

Thorough data collection accomplishes the following:

i. Enables those involved in the research to be more accurate in the analysis and

assessment of their work.

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ii. Allows independent researchers to replicate the process and evaluate results.

iii. Impresses upon research team members the importance of data management.

iv. Details the rationale behind a research project.

v. Provides justification to sponsors for expenditures and project decisions.


a) Researchers should be encouraged to release their work to ORID and be assured of its


b) Expertise should be recognised and respected. Wherever possible experts in the

relevant fields should be identified for collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

c) The person responsible for the research (usually the PI) should keep proper record of

all the data.

d) Deans and Heads of Department should be responsible for monitoring research and

use of funds.


Every research work should have the approval of the University so that some protection

of data can be offered when necessary.


It is widely agreed that research data should be shared, but deciding when and with whom

raises questions that are sometimes difficult to answer.

Researchers are not expected to and in most instances should not release preliminary data

(i.e., data that have not been carefully checked and validated). An exception to this rule

would be preliminary data that could potentially benefit the public. A researcher who has

strong preliminary indications of a major threat to public health, such as unexpected side

effects from a drug or an unrecognized environmental health problem, may have good

reason to share this information with the public and other researchers before it is fully

validated. Data that have no such immediate public benefit, in most instances is best held

until the researcher is confident that the results will stand.

Provided no agreements have been made to the contrary, keeping data confidential

prior to publication is a commonly accepted practice that most researchers and funding

agencies accept.


Once a researcher has published the results of an experiment, it is generally expected that

all the information about that experiment, including the final data, should be freely

available for other researchers to check and use. Some journals formally require that the

data published in articles be available to other researchers upon request or stored in

public databases. There is considerable support for sharing data with other researchers

and the public unless there are compelling reasons for confidentiality. Data should

however not be shared without the permission of the University.


a) Copies of all published articles and research works should be deposited at the

departmental libraries and the main University library through the Heads of Department.

b) People who do not actively participate in the research should not be listed as authors.

Experienced senior members supervising students in a research work as mentors should

not necessary be the first author. They can however be named as the first author(s) if they

contribute at least two thirds (2/3) of the whole research work.

c) Young senior members should be encouraged to be first authors with the experienced

senior members being corresponding authors.

d) If a student’s research work forms part of a major research project, the student’s

contribution should be acknowledged.


a) Forgery of data

b) Research proposals that do not go through the process of approval by the University.

c) Proposals submitted without the consent of all listed researchers.

d) Taking research ideas from others without attribution or recognition.

e) Use of research data for personal/ individual gain.

f) Publications listing individuals who have not taken an active role in the research work.

g) Research work published without the authorisation of the University.

h) Multiple submissions of the same research work for publication in different journals.


Although titles, roles, and responsibilities vary by organization or institution, it is

recommended that research teams at the University should be made up of at least the

following 5 key members:


a) Principal Investigator:

The Principal Investigator (PI) is ultimately the individual responsible for a project and its

research. S/He is the main authority on all scientific, medical and other relevant issues related

to the project. By obtaining funding and seeing that a project has the right team members,

proper resources, and guidance, a PI must ensure the success of the project. A project may

have more than one PI, and they are Co-Principal Investigators.

b).Research Director (Project Director)

The Research Director controls the project. She/he directs the protocol for how the research

and data collection are carried out, and thus may often know more about the day-to-day

operations of the project than the PI. The Research Director is responsible to the PI and

should work closely with him/her to both report on and redirect research.

c). Research Associate (Project Coordinator)

Under the guidance of the Research Director and the PI, the Research Associate coordinates

the project. This individual carries out the research itself, collecting data and assessing the

effectiveness of project protocol, suggesting changes to the methodology as needed.

d) Research Assistant

Research Assistant(s), may normally be the least experienced member(s) of a research team

who carries out the project work. A Research Assistant performs the day-to-day tasks of a

project, including collecting and processing the data and maintaining equipment.

e) Statistician

The Statistician analyzes the data that are collected during the project. In some projects, the

statistician may simply analyze and report on the data (under the guidance of another team

member) after data collection has been completed. In other projects, a statistician is involved

in the construction and analysis of research throughout the entire course of a study.

f) Other Team Members

Additional team members may be involved in research studies, including clinical research

specialists, laboratory technicians, interns or student researchers, grant administrators, and

others. Their roles should be defined by the PI at the outset of the project.


a). Data Management Responsibilities of the PI and Research Director

Most of the specific tasks of data management fall to the PI and Research Director. For

instance, these individuals are usually responsible for the following:

i. Ensuring that every person who is involved in the project knows his or her rights

regarding data ownership


ii. Ensuring that the protocol is meticulously planned and that staff is thoroughly

trained to maintain the integrity of the data collected.

iii. Determining how to best store, protect, analyze, and disseminate the data.

iv. Developing a plan for addressing research misconduct and data mismanagement

b.) Responsibilities of the Other Team Members

Management of the primary data management is the responsibility of the Research

Associate and Research Assistant and is usually in data collection: ensuring the reliable

and valid collection of the data and protecting the data that they have collected.

Statisticians are primarily responsible for ensuring comprehensive and accurate data

analysis. All research team members are responsible for letting the PI or Research

Director know if they suspect data fraud, manipulation, or other misconduct. The PI and

Research Director are usually responsible for most of the tasks related to data

management. Research Associates and Research Assistants are primarily responsible for

data collection, while Statisticians are responsible for analysis.


a. Data Management best Practices: Matt J. O’Nuska 111 IT Manager, CASAA

b. Research Data Management Policy Bank (2010). Monash University Policy Bank


c. Materials data management: Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. en.wikipedia.org /wiki/


d. Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientific Research.Clinical

Tools,Inc. Office of Research Integrity, US Department of Health and Human

Services. www.RCREducation.com

e. Data Management Practices. Office of Research Integrity, US Department of Health

Services. ori.dhhs.gov/education/products/RCRintro/c06.hml

f. Research Data: Management, Control, and Access. Michigan State University

Research Policy.rio.msu.edu/research_data.htm

Data Ownership This refers to who has the legal rights to the data and who retains the data after
the project is completed, including the Researcher’s right to transfer data between institutions
and individuals.

Data Collection and Analysis: This pertains to collecting project data in a consistent, systematic
manner (i.e., reliability) and establishing an on-going system for evaluating and recording
changes to the project protocol (i.e., validity). It also pertains to how raw data are chosen,
evaluated, and interpreted into meaningful and significant conclusions that other researchers and
the public can understand and use.

Data Storage and Protection : This concerns the amount of data and how it should be stored. The
amount of data stored should be enough so that project results can be reconstructed. Written and
electronic data should also be protected from physical damage and data integrity, including
damage from tampering or theft and natural causes. The electronic media data should be updated
periodically in line with technological advancements to avoid obsolescence.

Data Retention: This refers to the length of time one needs to keep the project data according to
the University’s guidelines. It also includes safeguarded destruction of data where absolutely
necessary with permission from the University.

Data Sharing :This refers to how project data and research results are disseminated to other
researchers and the general public, and when data should not be shared.

Data Reporting This pertains to the publication of the result of the research findings, during the
course or after the project is completed.

Ownership of research is a complex issue that involves the Principal Investigator (PI) of the
research, the sponsoring institution, the funding agency, and any participating human
subjects. In many cases, the institution/organization owns the project data, but the PI and the
funding agency have "rights" to access and use the data. Usually the PI has physical custody
of the data on behalf of the organization. However, these rules vary with institutions and also
depend on the funding source.

The following recommendations are provided for the University of Ghana:

The University:
The University has the right of ownership to any research conducted under its auspices.
Consequently, the University has responsibilities for ensuring that research is reliably and
ethically conducted. For, example the University should have direct interest in budget
management and disbursement procedures, regulatory compliance, contractual obligations
and data management and therefore the rights and obligations to retain control over the data.
Within the University, a Principal Investigator (PI) may be granted stewardship over the
project data and may control the direction, publication, patenting and copyright of any
innovative results from the research, subject to the University’s own institutional review and

Researchers cannot automatically assume that they can take their data with them should they
leave the services of the University and move to another institution. The University may
continue to maintain ownership of project data as long as the PIs are in employment of the
- Transfer of data in the event a researcher leaves the University:
When individuals involved in research projects at the University leave the University, the
University may decide whether they could take away copies of research data for projects on
which they have worked. The PI must, however, retain original data at the University.

If a PI leaves the University, and a project is to be moved to another institution, ownership of
the data may be transferred with the approval of the University with written agreement from
the PI’s new institution that guarantees:

a) Its acceptance of custodial responsibilities for the data and
b) UG’s should continue to retain the ownership of the data and the PI granted access to it
should that become necessary.

The Funding Agency:
Many research projects are funded by Government agencies, Philanthropic organizations and
or Private industries. These agencies often have specific regulations for how data should be
retained and disseminated: for example, whether to publish the project's results or market a
resulting product. The PI and the University should understand the funding agency's
regulations regarding a research project and the data it produces.

- Grants’ research:
These can be described as assistance funding usually awarded to do some projects that enable
the researcher address some specific needs. The PI retains control over the agreed scope of
the research.

- Contract-research:
These can be described as procurement funding or provision of money in order to acquire a
product, property, or service. Like a contractual agreement between a buyer and a seller,
contracted research is often subject to strict regulations, requirements, and expectations. For
instance, the PI must coordinate project goals and decisions with the funding agency, which
assigns a project officer to oversee the project and to make sure that the agency's goals are
met. Funding may be disbursed in instalments. Also, the data typically belong to the funding
agency, unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement.

The Principal Investigator:
In addition to being the steward of a project's data, a PI may retain some ownership of the

a) Different types of research call for different data collection techniques. There are, however,
four important considerations that will help ensure the overall integrity of both the process
and the information collected.

i. Appropriate methods. Reliable data are vitally dependent on trustworthy methods.
Proposals/projects should pre determine/indicate appropriate methods and
designs/statistical tests available for analyses of data to be collected. Researchers
should ensure they are using the most appropriate and reliable technology possible.
ii. Methods can be compromised by bias—choosing one method or set of
experimental conditions so that a particular conclusion can be drawn. Whatever the
origin, the use of inappropriate methods in research compromises the integrity of
research data and should be avoided. Responsible research is conducted using
appropriate, reliable methods.
iii. Attention to detail. Quality research requires attention to detail. Experiments must
be set up properly and the results accurately recorded, interpreted, and published.
Failure to pay attention to detail can result in mistakes that will later have to be
corrected and reported. Once errors are detected the researcher is obligated to make
corrections. However if the errors are coming from the design then it means the
whole experiment is damaged and one will have to redo the experiment.
iv. Authorized. Researchers have a responsibility to know when permission is needed
to collect or use specific data in their research. If one is not sure whether permission
is needed, it is necessary to check before proceeding with data collection.

The following provide examples of types of data collection which need authorization before
- Human and animal subjects in research;
- Hazardous materials and biological agents;
- Information contained in some libraries, databases, and archives;
- Information posted on some Web sites;
- Published photographs and other published information; and
- Other copyrighted or patented processes or materials.

b) The final step in data collection is the physical process of recording the data in some type of
notebook (hard copy), computer file (electronic copy), or other permanent “record” of the
work done. The physical formats for recording data vary considerably, from measurements or
observations to photographs or interview tapes. Whatever type of data recorded, it is
important to keep in mind that the purpose of any record is to document what was actually
done and the results that were achieved.

In recording data, the following two simple rules should be borne in mind to avoid problems
i. Hard-copy evidence should be entered into a numbered, bound notebook so that there
is no question later about the date the experiment was run, the order in which the data
were collected, or the results achieved. Loose-leaf notebooks or simply collecting
pages of evidence in a file should be avoided. Records in a bound notebook should
not be changed without noting the date and reasons for the change.
ii. Electronic evidence should be validated to assure that it was actually recorded on a
particular date and not changed at some later date. It is easy to change dates on
computers and thereby alter the date a particular file seems to have been created. If
data is electronically collected, it should be possible to demonstrate that they are valid
and have not been changed. The data to be authenticated can be printed out and
signed by the research team.
iii. Best Practices for Record Keeping: Diligent record keeping is essential to ensuring
the integrity of research data. To help maintain data validity and reliability, the
following best practices are recommended when planning or completing data

  •  Include notes: Records should provide information which could account for what

occurred during the course of research and also make it possible to reconstruct
and justify the findings. It is important therefore that records should include
notes about what methods did or did not work, observations, and commentary on
the project's progress. Notes should be kept according to the research team's
predetermined communications plan.

  •  Personal notebooks: For smaller projects using handwritten data, each team

member should have his or her own personal notebook for recording project
data, observations, etc. Entries should be made in a chronological and consistent
manner -- for instance, each new workday should begin on a new page dated and
blank lines should not be left between entries.

  • Noting errors: A consistent system for noting errors or adjustments should be

used. In written records, entries should be made in indelible ink so that records
cannot be altered or damaged. If any information must be changed or amended,
one solid line should be marked through the entry and initialled and the change
dated. The records can thus reflect what has occurred during the course of a

  • Recording information: Record anything that seems relevant to the project, its

data, and the standards of the project. At a minimum, records should include the
following information:

-Date and time

-Names and roles of any team members who worked with the data

-Materials, instruments, and software used

-Identification number(s) to indicate the subject and/or session

-Data from the experiment and any pertinent observations from the data's
*It may also be helpful to include a summary of the day's data collection activities
and a task list for the next day.

  • Transferring information: When records are to be transferred from written to

electronic format, a double entry system should be used to reduce rates of
incorrectly entered electronic data. For, example this could be done by using
two different Research Assistants to enter all of the raw data into the software
program, then cross-check the data to identify and remedy inconsistencies at
the time of data entry.

Once collected, data must be properly protected, because they may be needed later:
- To confirm research findings,
- To establish priority, or
- To be re-analysed by other researchers.
If the data are not properly protected, the investment, whether public or private, could
become worthless. The responsible handling of data begins with proper storage and
protection from accidental damage, loss, or theft:
- Lab notebooks should be stored in a safe place.
- Computer files should be backed up and the backup data saved in a secure place that is
physically removed from the original data.
- Samples should be appropriately saved so that they will not degrade over time.
- Care should be taken to reduce the risk of fire, flood, and other catastrophic natural
- The primary data should not be destroyed after completion of the research so that it can
be re-analysed and re-interpreted in the future.
- Deans and Heads of department are also obliged to keep the data on behalf of the
- The data can also be stored with identifiable institutions or responsible individuals
outside the University.
- The faculty research committee should be empowered to supervise and monitor on-going
- Data should be kept as long as possible. After 10 years in the store, it should be moved
into the museum/ archives.
- Department should try to create storage facilities for keeping data.
- Some can be converted into a softcopy and stored electronically.

a) Confidentiality:
Some data are collected with the understanding that only authorized individuals will use
them for specific purposes. In such cases, care should be taken to assure that privacy
agreements are honoured. This is particularly true of data that contain personal
information that can be linked to specific individuals. It is also true of confidential
information about protected processes and materials. If a company shares confidential
data about a process with a researcher prior to seeking a patent on that process, the
researcher must take care to make sure the data are kept confidential.
Data that are subject to privacy restrictions must be stored in a safe place that is
accessible only to authorized personnel. Random codes to identify individual subjects,
rather than names or social security numbers should be used to further protect private
information. Access to these codes can then be restricted to provide a double layer of
protection. Whatever the method used to protect private or confidential information, the
researcher who collects or uses the information has the primary responsibility for its
b) Period of retention:
Data should be retained for a reasonable period of time to allow other researchers to
check results or to use the data for other purposes. There is, however, no common
definition of a reasonable period of time.
Given the different reasons data could be useful over long periods of time, researchers
should give some thought to retaining data longer than some minimum period required by
specific regulations. How long is reasonable will vary from discipline to discipline and
institution to institution. Nevertheless, it is important to have a clear retention policy that
balances the best interests of society with those of the University and the individual
researcher. Before throwing out notebooks, cleaning out files, or erasing computer
memory, careful consideration should be given to who might benefit from or ask to see
the data in the future.
Thorough data collection accomplishes the following:
i. Enables those involved in the research to be more accurate in the analysis and
assessment of their work.
ii. Allows independent researchers to replicate the process and evaluate results.
iii. Impresses upon research team members the importance of data management.
iv. Details the rationale behind a research project.
v. Provides justification to sponsors for expenditures and project decisions.

a) Researchers should be encouraged to release their work to ORID and be assured of its
b) Expertise should be recognised and respected. Wherever possible experts in the
relevant fields should be identified for collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
c) The person responsible for the research (usually the PI) should keep proper record of
all the data.
d) Deans and Heads of Department should be responsible for monitoring research and
use of funds.

Every research work should have the approval of the University so that some protection
of data can be offered when necessary.

It is widely agreed that research data should be shared, but deciding when and with whom
raises questions that are sometimes difficult to answer.
Researchers are not expected to and in most instances should not release preliminary data
(i.e., data that have not been carefully checked and validated). An exception to this rule
would be preliminary data that could potentially benefit the public. A researcher who has
strong preliminary indications of a major threat to public health, such as unexpected side
effects from a drug or an unrecognized environmental health problem, may have good
reason to share this information with the public and other researchers before it is fully
validated. Data that have no such immediate public benefit, in most instances is best held
until the researcher is confident that the results will stand.
Provided no agreements have been made to the contrary, keeping data confidential
prior to publication is a commonly accepted practice that most researchers and funding
agencies accept.

Once a researcher has published the results of an experiment, it is generally expected that
all the information about that experiment, including the final data, should be freely
available for other researchers to check and use. Some journals formally require that the
data published in articles be available to other researchers upon request or stored in
public databases. There is considerable support for sharing data with other researchers
and the public unless there are compelling reasons for confidentiality. Data should
however not be shared without the permission of the University.

a) Copies of all published articles and research works should be deposited at the
departmental libraries and the main University library through the Heads of Department.
b) People who do not actively participate in the research should not be listed as authors.
Experienced senior members supervising students in a research work as mentors should
not necessary be the first author. They can however be named as the first author(s) if they
contribute at least two thirds (2/3) of the whole research work.
c) Young senior members should be encouraged to be first authors with the experienced
senior members being corresponding authors.
d) If a student’s research work forms part of a major research project, the student’s
contribution should be acknowledged.

a) Forgery of data
b) Research proposals that do not go through the process of approval by the University.
c) Proposals submitted without the consent of all listed researchers.
d) Taking research ideas from others without attribution or recognition.
e) Use of research data for personal/ individual gain.
f) Publications listing individuals who have not taken an active role in the research work.
g) Research work published without the authorisation of the University.
h) Multiple submissions of the same research work for publication in different journals.

Although titles, roles, and responsibilities vary by organization or institution, it is
recommended that research teams at the University should be made up of at least the
following 5 key members:
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a) Principal Investigator:
The Principal Investigator (PI) is ultimately the individual responsible for a project and its
research. S/He is the main authority on all scientific, medical and other relevant issues related
to the project. By obtaining funding and seeing that a project has the right team members,
proper resources, and guidance, a PI must ensure the success of the project. A project may
have more than one PI, and they are Co-Principal Investigators.
b).Research Director (Project Director)
The Research Director controls the project. She/he directs the protocol for how the research
and data collection are carried out, and thus may often know more about the day-to-day
operations of the project than the PI. The Research Director is responsible to the PI and
should work closely with him/her to both report on and redirect research.
c). Research Associate (Project Coordinator)
Under the guidance of the Research Director and the PI, the Research Associate coordinates
the project. This individual carries out the research itself, collecting data and assessing the
effectiveness of project protocol, suggesting changes to the methodology as needed.
d) Research Assistant
Research Assistant(s), may normally be the least experienced member(s) of a research team
who carries out the project work. A Research Assistant performs the day-to-day tasks of a
project, including collecting and processing the data and maintaining equipment.
e) Statistician
The Statistician analyzes the data that are collected during the project. In some projects, the
statistician may simply analyze and report on the data (under the guidance of another team
member) after data collection has been completed. In other projects, a statistician is involved
in the construction and analysis of research throughout the entire course of a study.
f) Other Team Members
Additional team members may be involved in research studies, including clinical research
specialists, laboratory technicians, interns or student researchers, grant administrators, and
others. Their roles should be defined by the PI at the outset of the project.
a). Data Management Responsibilities of the PI and Research Director
Most of the specific tasks of data management fall to the PI and Research Director. For
instance, these individuals are usually responsible for the following:
i. Ensuring that every person who is involved in the project knows his or her rights
regarding data ownership.
ii. Ensuring that the protocol is meticulously planned and that staff is thoroughly
trained to maintain the integrity of the data collected.
iii. Determining how to best store, protect, analyze, and disseminate the data.
iv. Developing a plan for addressing research misconduct and data mismanagement

b.) Responsibilities of the Other Team Members
Management of the primary data management is the responsibility of the Research
Associate and Research Assistant and is usually in data collection: ensuring the reliable
and valid collection of the data and protecting the data that they have collected.
Statisticians are primarily responsible for ensuring comprehensive and accurate data
analysis. All research team members are responsible for letting the PI or Research
Director know if they suspect data fraud, manipulation, or other misconduct. The PI and
Research Director are usually responsible for most of the tasks related to data
management. Research Associates and Research Assistants are primarily responsible for
data collection, while Statisticians are responsible for analysis.

a. Data Management best Practices: Matt J. O’Nuska 111 IT Manager, CASAA
b. Research Data Management Policy Bank (2010). Monash University Policy Bank
c. Materials data management: Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. en.wikipedia.org /wiki/
d. Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientific Research.Clinical
Tools,Inc. Office of Research Integrity, US Department of Health and Human
Services. www.RCREducation.com
e. Data Management Practices. Office of Research Integrity, US Department of Health
Services. ori.dhhs.gov/education/products/RCRintro/c06.hml
f. Research Data: Management, Control, and Access. Michigan State University
Research Policy.rio.msu.edu/research_data.htm