Page 8 - Inspiring UG
P. 8

Understanding the Tripartite

          Parasite-killing           Relationship
          between Midgut Bacteria,

          the Mosquito and Plasmodium
          using Transcriptomics.

             Although prevalence has reduced considerably
             over  the  last  few  years,  malaria  remains  a
             debilitating disease of immense global concern.               Dr. Jewelna Akorli
             Interventions  such  as  the  use  of  insecticide-
             treated bed nets, and indoor residual spraying,
             have contributed to reducing the incidence of    into  them  and  that  are  infected  with
             malaria. The long-term use of these strategies is   plasmodium,  with  those  with  neither  the
             however  attenuated  by  resistance  to          bacteria  nor  the  plasmodium.  The  results
             insecticides,  emphasizing  the  need  for       should  provide   irst-hand  information  about
             alternate control mechanisms.                    gene and protein families that can potentially
                                                              block  plasmodium  transmission.  Ultimately,
                                                              the  goal  of  her  inquiry  is  to  reach  the  point
             With  the  mosquito  being  the  primary
             transmission  source,  research  that  explores   where  mosquito  bites  do  not  transmit  the
             how  the  development  of  an  ingested  malaria   parasite;  that  is  the  ultimate  goal  of
             parasite  can  be  arrested,  and  transmission   transmission-blocking, according to Dr. Akorli.
             prevented,  would  seem  to  be  a  pro itable
             direction. This is the aim of Dr. Jewelna Akorli's
             research on the mosquito's gut.

             T h e   m i d - s e c t i o n   o f   t h e   m o s q u i to' s
             gut—referred  to  as  the  midgut—is  enriched
             with a community of bacteria which has been
             identi ied as a critical factor associated with the
             'killing'  of  plasmodium  parasites  that  the
             mosquito  ingests  with  its  bloodmeal.  This
             tripartite link between the mosquito, bacteria
             and parasite portends promise for a strategy of
             the  transmission-blocking  of  parasites  from
             mosquito  to  human.  Leveraging  this
             relationship  calls  for  scientists  to  interrogate
             what species of bacteria are responsible, modes
             of  transmission,  and  what  happens  to  the
             parasites  to  make  them  unable  to  further

             Dr.  Akorli's  work  on  the  midgut  has  been
             supported by the prestigious Cambridge-Africa
             Partnership for Research Excellence (CAPREx)
             Fellowship.  Her  research  investigates  the
             tripartite  parasite-killing  relationship  by
             comparing  the  expression  of  genes
                                                                                       Transcrip onal effect
             (transcriptomics)  between  mosquitoes  that
             have a speci ic species of bacteria introduced

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