Page 4 - Inspiring UG
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                                                    AND EFFICIENCY:

                                       PROVIDING HIGH QUALITY RESEARCH

                                                 MANAGEMENT SERVICES

                            As the University of Ghana (UG) continues to gain ground as one of the continents
                            very  best  research  universities,  and  the  quality  and  quantum  of  scholarship
                            endeavours grow, it is imperative that our research support services and structures
                            evolve to keep pace with the improved stature of the University. Consequently, UG's
                            Of ice  of  Research,  Innovation  and  Development  (ORID)—the  University's
                            centralized research of ice—has been restructured to provide uniform, streamlined,
                            high-quality research support to the University community, while also building staff
                            competencies across the breadth of services that fall under the rubric of the research
                            support umbrella.

                            Today,  research  management  services  at  the  University  of  Ghana  are  delivered
                            through six teams that re lect the direction and priorities of the University, as it
                            continues its drive to attain world-class, research-intensive status. These are:

                            ·   Pre-and Post-Award Services Team (PPA) responsible for the submission of
                               grant proposals, research grants/contract management and administration, etc.
                               (including  the  managing  and  administering  of  scholarship  and  fellowship
                               programmes,  and  the  coordination  of research  visits to  UG  by  partners and
                               collaborators). PPA is also responsible for helping to solicit faculty research,
                               building research teams to apply for grants in the name of the University and
                               mitigating risk in post-award processes. To accommodate the historical and
                               geographical  dispersion  of  research  activity  across  the  University,  the  new
                               structure includes three satellite of ices located at the University of Ghana's: (i)
                               Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research; (ii) downtown Medical School;
                               and (iii) Institute for Social, Statistical and Economic Research. Working under the
                               auspices of the PPA team, the satellite of ices help streamline ORID's service
                               provision,  by  making  grants/contracts  support  services  easily  accessible  to
                               scientists, and ensuring that the interests of scholars and the University are

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