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Traning Programmes

The Capacity Development (CaD) Team carries out its core mandate in collaboration with other research support teams and academics to deliver appropriate training modules to support and contribute purposefully to the university’s overall mission.

Our portfolio of training programmes include;

Faculty Development Training

The team facilitates the Grantsmanship Workshop Series for UG researchers and faculty aimed at developing their competitive advantage in producing compelling and competitive grant proposals. We also work in collaboration with other teams to organize tailor-made capacity development workshops and seminars to educate faculty and staff to explain some technical processes and create awareness on available essential resources.

Staff Training

Organizes workshops in Research Management for Research Development Officers, Accounting staff, Internal Auditors, IT staff and Finance officers in the university.

Graduate Student Training

Organizes workshops on specific study areas for targeted Doctoral and Masters’ Students.

ORID In-House Seminars

In order to facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas among all Research Development Officers (RDOs). RDO’s who are beneficiaries of external training and other Professional Development Programmes have the opportunity to share with colleagues the skills and experiences acquired, with special emphasis on how these can help improve upon the processes at ORID to provide high quality research support services.

Outreach/stakeholder Consultation

Outreach and stakeholders programmes to foster collaborations among academic institutions are included in our mandate. The team forged partnerships with National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the Externally Funded Projects Office of University of Education, Winneba (UEW) in this regard.