UG Research Ethics Policy (2014) - page 4

Research Ethics Policy
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3. Key Definitions
The acquired right or privilege through a contract where payment of
money or the giving of gifts is applied. It might also involve the impacted
outcome of the research to the participants involved.
The rules or promise that limits the access or places restrictions on types
of information that has been received through an interaction with
participants of a research.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest is a variance between an individual’s professional
obligations and his or her private interests. Such circumstances create a
possibility that professional judgment or actions regarding a principal
interest will be overly influenced by a minor interest. This may lead to
actual misconduct when consideration of personal gain or financial
influence may compromise an individual’s judgment and actions in the
performance of his or her primary responsibilities.
Human Subjects
The use of human beings in a research process for investigation of a
specific question which incorporates data collection and analysis. The
process may include the use of surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus
groups or participant observation
Informed Consent
This is the voluntary choice of an individual to participate in a research
based on the appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications,
benefits and future consequences of a research that may affect their
person’s decision to participate. In order to give informed consent the
individual must have adequate reasoning abilities and is in possession of
all the relevant facts at the time of giving consent.
An individual who devotes him/herself to the systemic investigation or
A person under the legal age of being an adult.
A systemic investigation (i.e. the gathering and analysis of information)
designed to develop or contribute to knowledge.
Research Protocol
Research protocol is a detailed plan of a study; it should include the
project title, project summary, project description, ethical consideration,
gender issues and references.
The potential that a chosen action or activity will lead to an undesirable
outcome that may affect participants or researcher of a study.
Special Protection
Is the basic principles governing the ethical conduct of research involving
human subjects, these include the capacity to consent, freedom from
coercion and the comprehension of risk involved.
Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP)
This is the detailed written instructions that have been put in place to
achieve uniformity of the performance of a specific function by an
A person without the capacity to make informed decision based on the
mental or emotional ability. A vulnerable person may include children
depending on their age and some category of adults. They may be
susceptible to exploitation or significant harm.
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