The mandate of the Research Performance Team is to monitor, evaluate and interpret data on rankings and publications, and also develop mechanisms for fostering performance improvements among internal stakeholders.
The specific tasks of the team are:
University Wide Activities
• Liaise with Editors and Publishers of the existing University of Ghana peer review Journals and edited volumes to facilitate the process of indexing them to more visible databases such as Scopus and Web of Science so that they can contribute to the University’s preferred rankings (THE, QS and other university rankings)
• Liaise with the Institutional Research and Planning Office (IRPO), Public Affairs Directorate and the Vice-Chancellor’s ranking team to collate, analyse and interpret data on parameters for ranking and make biannual presentations on these to Senior management through the Pro-Vice Chancellor (RID) and Ranking Agencies and other publics of the university upon request.
• Prepare biannual reports on the Universities’ research strengths and weaknesses and make this available to Senior Management through Pro-Vice Chancellor (RID).
• Ensuring constant access to research performance/evaluation tools e.g. SciVal
College Level Activities
• To conduct a biannual bibliometric analysis of faculty members research output on College basis and make this available to the Provosts and College Research Boards through the Pro-Vice Chancellor (RID).
Departmental level Activities
• Collaborate with Heads of teaching and research Units to develop a list of discipline specific publication outlets in Scopus and Web of Science and make this available to faculty in these units.
• Undertake annual surveys to determine library - related research resource needs (books, e-resources etc.) of faculty and make this available to the University Librarian