
Research Affiliation

In line with the drive of becoming a research-led institution, the University of Ghana through its Office of Research, Innovation and Development has provision for faculty and students from institutions external to the UG undertake part of their research as affiliates of the University. It enhances mentorship, faculty collaborations by promoting and providing opportunities for collaboration.

 The Office of Research Innovation and Development (ORID) manages the processing of requests for Research Affiliation from faculty members of other institutions. Since the 2011/2012 academic year,ORID has been processing affiliation requests jointly with the International Programmes Office and the School of Graduate Studies. So far, requests for affiliation have come from a mix of institutions around the world and these applications are projected to grow in diversity and numbers in the incoming years.


By virtue of an applicant’s affiliation with the University of Ghana, affiliates have the opportunity to:

  • Enjoy mentorship from experienced faculty members in the departments at UG, playing the host by way of supervision and /or use the period to do their research write ups;
  • Access UG’s institutional resources such as laboratories, libraries, wireless networks among others;
  • Access to UG’s campus recreational facilities;
  • Establish research networks for possible collaborations and so on.


The period of affiliation is usually between one month and a full academic year. The Research Affiliate is required to submit an End-of-affiliation report with their mentor at the end of the affiliation.


Prospective faculty/ students interested in undertaking part of their research as Research Affiliates of the University of Ghana would be required to do the following:

  1. Contact ORID via orid-researchadmin@ug.edu.gh expressing interest in being affiliated to the UG.
  2. Download and complete the APPLICATION FORM and submit with requisite documents via email to orid-researchadmin@ug.edu.gh at least one month before the intended date of commencement of the affiliation.
  3. Applicant will be notified upon receipt of the application by ORID. The application would be processed to the host department and an offer letter will be sent to the applicant.
  4. Applicant will be required to indicate his/her acceptance of the offer by completing and returning the ACCEPTANCE FORM by email to orid-researchadmin@ug.edu.gh.

Please take note that the offer does not include accommodation. Arrangements must be made separately with the IPO by email at infoip@ug.edu.gh or arip@ug.edu.gh

Click to download the End of Affiliation Report Format.