

The University of Ghana is partnering with the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom to submit a proposal for short term fellowships to the Rutherford Fund under their strategic partner grants. The aim of this funding mechanism is to attract global talent and also strengthen the research base in the UK.

This joint application will further deepen the collaborative links between the UG and the University of Sussex and is expected to broadly:

  • Enhance our research links with the University of Sussex;
  • Develop new and improve existing research networks and links between future reaserch leaders in the 2 institutions; and
  • Provide new opportunities for collaboration and joint working, and greater impact for existing collaborations.

In anticipation of an award from the Rutherford Fund to the University of Sussex for the award of short term fellowships, the Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID) is pleased to receive NOTICES OF INTENT FOR POSTDOC FELLOWSHIPS from interested faculty members who have completed their PhD programmes.

All interested faculty members should complete the attached form and return by email to
orid-info@ug.edu.gh or in hard copy to the ORID Secretariat latest by 5pm on Friday January 5, 2017.